Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 283 online
TV 02:03:34
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Front Line Assembly - Civilization (2004) - Anti

Front Line Assembly
Civilization (2004)

"In rebel control"
"the intelligence and security...have been captured alive"
"national security advisor..."
"release more than 500 prisoners"
"anti-globalization campaigners...turned away by police "

"rebel control"
"the intelligence and security...have been captured alive"
"national security advisor..."
"release more than 500 prisoners"
"anti-globalization campaigners...turned away by police "


"the governing elite..."
"exiled opposition groups..."
"weakened government.. symptom of..corruption..undermined democracy "
"strategic importants "

"its horrible"
"way down"

"weakened government.. symptom of..corruption..undermined democracy "
"immediate international action"

"rebel control"
"the intelligence and security...have been captured alive"
"national security advisor..."
"release more than 500 prisoners"

"its horrible"
"way down"






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příbuzné odkazy
Front Line Assembly - Civilizationrecenze
Front Line Assembly - Epitaphrecenze
Novinky o Front Line Assembly a jejich novém singlu (31.07.2001)novinka

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