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Blackfield - II (2007) - 1,000 People

1,000 People
II (2007)

A thousand people yell
They're shouting my name
But I want to die in this moment
I want to die

And a thousand people smile
They're smiling at me
But I want to die in this moment
I want to die

No way to understand
Why I've become the way I am

When the sky is filled with stars
I find a place inside my heart

Some people can take a blow
And they won't ever drop
But I want to die in this moment
I want to die

She will tell me she loves me
That she won't ever stop
But I want to die in this moment
I want to die

The coldness in my soul
And I reach out for her to hold

And then I watch her close her eyes
It's only me that needs to cry

And if I stay with you
Do you believe that I'll pull through?

No way to understand
Why I've become the way I am

When the sky is filled with stars
I find a place inside my heart
And then I watch her close her eyes
It's only me that needs to cry

A thousand people yell
They're shouting my name
But I want to die in this moment
I want to die






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Blackfield - IIrecenze

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