Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 19°C, 120 online
TV 10:51:57
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Birthday Massacre, The - Imagica (Demo 1) (2000) - Nothing and Nowhere

Nothing and Nowhere
Birthday Massacre, The
Imagica (Demo 1) (2000)

A voice moves silent through the twisted city streets
The eyes from tangled gardens peer

He grins a broken smile through shattered teeth
He brings the darkest time of year

And he will save us now
And he will take us underground
Where we'll never be bound by love
Or the nightmares above

The night of dreams when things are not as they may seem
Before the day we'll never know

He will take us while we're sleeping
And he will never let us go

And he will save us now
And he will take us underground
Where we'll never be bound by love
Or the nightmares above

We follow the sound, it's leading us down
Into the kingdom of under

We're lost and we're found, we're nothing and nowhere
Forever and ever


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