Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 298 online
TV 05:49:28
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Ayria - Hearts For Bullets (2008) - Analog Trash

Analog Trash
Hearts For Bullets (2008)

I've got a secret
I've been watching you
I know you're damaged
but I still want you
You're analog trash
when life is digital
But I prefer you
I think you're beautiful

Pull back realign
We are flawed by design
Unplug just for fun
Stop before we hurt someone
Standard Uniform
Corporate life has gone too far
Excess Commodity
I want you just for me

This little secret
gives me something to do
My new obsession
to be like you
You're analog trash
when life is digital
But I prefer this


Come one, it's not what you think
Come on, just come away with me
Come on, there's so much more to this
Come on, that life you will not miss







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