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Axxis - Time Machine (2004) - Battle of Power

Battle of Power
Time Machine (2004)

Words can kill - we know why
'Cause war machines let freedom die

A timebomb ticks by this wrongs choice
SO raise your voice and shout out with one voice

Let us fight - fight - 'cause we shall overcome
Living in a battle of power that have just begun
Let us fight - fight - all for one and one for all
Let's break down this might and mend this world of pain

A modern war - a new crusade
Let's fight against the final fate

Worldwide sings of resistance
Rising high - let's take this chance

Let us fight - fight - 'cause we shall overcome
Living in a battle of power that have just begun
Let us fight - fight - all for one and one for all
So don't stand back you are not alone - you are not alone

Never ever give up what you're fighting for
Your thoughts are free to fly

They crucified rules and law
Justice for all is a lie
(Even if you die)

Let us fight - fight - 'cause we shall overcome
Living in a battle of power that have just begun
Let us fight - fight - all for one and one for all
So don't stand back - we are unite - you are not alone

Let us fight - fight - not alone
Fight, fight, fight, fight
'Cause we shall overcome




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