Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 300 online
TV 05:23:56
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Axxis - Paradise In Flames (2006) - Tales of Glory Island

Tales of Glory Island
Paradise In Flames (2006)

Eyes at night lifeless they stare
Through mist the fog and rain everywhere
A ship no shore you're drifting alone
No wind no help you sail on your own

Flash one look a light far away
A voice I hear words seemed to be prayed
A chance in a trance a dream comes true
A magic island close to you

And I can hear the tales of glory Island
I hear you crying through the rain
I hear the tales of glory island
I don't believe in what they say what they say
On my way

I curse the days
Where I Face the spell a sign a chime
Hear bells toll and yell a ship a shore
In an ocean of lies words and tales
Are colder than ice

Hear hear fear fear the rumours around
The echo will scream forever resound
Hear a noise out of the dark
At first a flame now fire will spark

And I can hear the tales of glory Island
I hear you crying through the rain
I hear the tales of glory island
I hear in fever what they say what they say
On my way

Oh let me lead you through cold and darkness
And I will lead you through the storm
The bells are ringing voices are singing
Go into rapture now the spell is going on

And I can hear the tales of glory Island
I hear you crying through the rain
I hear the tales of glory island
I hear in fever what they say what they say
On my way On my way On my way
On my way






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