Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 309 online
TV 02:56:07
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Axxis - Kingdom Of The Night (1989) - Kingdom of the Night

Kingdom of the Night
Kingdom Of The Night (1989)

Dreaming - dreaming in the cold night
I wish I were a big and famous star
Then I'm the king of a thousand queens
With golden rings and dirty jeans
Pots of money and I'm feeling free

Move your legs- Stamp your feet
Hear my voice you're gonna rock with me

The rhythm leads
The rhythm beats
Feel the beat and find another world

Allright - allright
I've got the kingdom of the night

Screaming -screaming in the wild crowd
Let me see you all raise your hands
I wanna dream - dream forever
Never waking up - No, never
Oh, bring back this dream
And let us scream again

Move your legs- Stamp your feet
Hear my voice you're gonna rock with me

The rhythm leads
The rhythm beats
Feel the beat and find another world

Allright - allright
I've got the kingdom of the night






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