Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 292 online
TV 05:32:21
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Axxis - Eyes Of Darkness (2001) - Angel

Eyes Of Darkness (2001)

Hello you little girl
What is wrong with your world?
Let me hold you my dear

Don't be scared cos' I know
All the bad dreams will go
I will drive away your fear

Hello you, little girl, I'm always by your side
Come close - close to me in this night

All the witches and elfs
I have seen by my self
... A long time ago

Some are good, some are bad
You don't have to feel sad
'Cos I'm always with you

You must know - every time - there's somebody at your side
There's someone - taking care - day and night

You've got an angel right beside you
Your helping hand - from heaven send
You've got an angel - always invisible
No more tears - it's hurting me, my dear - my child in fear

Don't be afraid now,
Don't feel sad now
'Cos I know all the bad dreams fade away
You've got an angel right beside you
Your helping hand - from heaven sent
There is an angel - always invisible
No more tears - it's hurting me, my dear - my child in fear




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