Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 282 online
TV 05:00:13
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Ash - Nu-Clear Sounds (1998) - Burn Out

Burn Out
Nu-Clear Sounds (1998)

Rising in the east
And fading in the west
To the north and to sleep
At the close of day
The flame goes out
Only char left in the grate
Do you in dying become
But a name
I can see you're worn down
The weight upon your shoulders
All the joy you once had
Now is gone
Can't find what you wanted
Feeling lost in turmoil
WIll you finally
Be free

Out into the cold night
Stare into the dark sky
Do you sleep forever
Or burn alive
Or linger in the half light
Fade into the dark night
Doi you find contentment
Do you find your peace

Rising in the east
And fading in the west
To the north and to sleep
At the close of day
The flame goes out
Only char left in the grate
Do you in dying become
But a name

Out into the cold night
Stare into the dark sky
Do you sleep forever
Or burn alive
Or linger in the half light
Fade into the dark night
Doi you find contentment
Do you find your peace




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