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Art Brut - Bang Bang Rock & Roll (2005) - Good Weekend

Good Weekend
Art Brut
Bang Bang Rock & Roll (2005)

First time I saw her
I wanted to do more than just hold her
I wanted to bend her and fold her
So I lent over and I told her
Got myself a brand new girlfriend
Got myself a brand new girlfriend
Phones ringing all weekend
Got myself a brand new girlfriend

We want to be lapsed catholics
We've got the contraception
But we haven't got the knack yet

Got myself a brand new girlfriend
Got myself a brand new girlfriend
So many messages to send
Got myself a brand new girlfriend

So we went to the cinema
We came home from the cinema
We went through the front door
Up the stairs
Through her bedroom door
Onto the bedroom floor
I've seen her naked twice!
I've seen her naked twice!

Brand new girlfriend
Brand new girlfriend
Brand new girlfriend

Got myself a brand new girlfriend
So many messages to send
Phones ringing all weekend
Got myself a brand new girlfriend

Got myself a brand new girlfriend
And I think that I love her






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