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Art Brut - Art Brut Vs. Satan (2009) - Mysterious Bruises

Mysterious Bruises
Art Brut
Art Brut Vs. Satan (2009)

I've had one Zirtec, two Advil
With the drink that made me feel invincible

I don't know how I managed to do this
But I woke up this morning covered in bruises

I only dance to songs I like
So I was sat down most the night

I don't know how I managed to do this
I woke up this morning covered in bruises

I found a bruise on my arm, one on my knee
I can feel some more in a place I can't see

Is this a new bruise, or has it been there forever?
When did I do it, I can't remember

Can't remember anything I've done
I fought the floor and the floor won
I can't remember anything I've done
I fought the floor and the floor won
I can't remember anything I've done
I fought the floor and the floor won
I can't remember anything I've done
I fought the floor and the floor won

I don't know how I managed to do this
But I woke up this morning covered in bruises

I'd finally decided to tell you how I felt
I mistakenly thought that the drink would help

I don't know what happened
The planets weren't aligned
I kept giving you a wink
You kept missing the sign

I can't remember anything I've done
I fought the floor and the floor won
I can't remember anything I've done
I fought the floor and the floor won
I can't remember anything I've done
I fought the floor and the floor won
I can't remember anything I've done
I fought the floor and the floor won

I finally managed to unravel the plot
It's not a happy ending, but it's the best that I've got

I woke up this morning covered in bruises
One Zirtec, two Advil are gonna get me through this

I finally managed to unravel the plot
It's not the happiest of endings, but it's the best that I've got

I finally managed to unravel the plot
It's not a happy ending, but it's the best that I've got

I had one Zirtec, two Advil
With the drink that made me feel invincible

I had one Zirtec, two Advil
Then I bounced around, just like a pinball

I had one Zirtec, two Advil
With the drink that made me feel invincible

I had one Zirtec, two Advil
Then I bounced around, just like a pinball


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