Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 254 online
TV 01:54:46
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Aretha Franklin - Who's Zoomin' Who? (1985) - Another Night

Another Night
Aretha Franklin
Who's Zoomin' Who? (1985)

All my friends have to ask if I'm shattered.
I say the past is the past and it no longer matters.
I made my mind up
I can make it
I'll be fine

even if I gotta fake it.
I'll keep surviving.

Another night - without you.
Another night - I know I can get through.
Another night - it's only -
another night - I won't be lonely.
Another night - another night -
Another night - it ain't much -
another night - without your touch.

I used to search through the crowd to find you

But I don't feel like it now
so don't look behind you.
You better face it
I won't be calling

I hit my stride when the evening is falling

I'm gonna make it -

Another night - without you. . . .

Out where the music is loud and the people are laughing

I'm gonna step on out
I won't be down

Gonna stand my ground for just another night -
Oh yes
for a
another night.

I made my mind up
I can make it

I'll be fine
even if I gotta fake it.
I'll keep surviving
I will.

Another night - without you.
Another night - I know I can get through.
Another night - it ain't much -
I don't need you to be bringing me down






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