Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 309 online
TV 02:56:17
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Arch Enemy - Stigmata (1998) - Vox Stellarum

Vox Stellarum
Arch Enemy
Stigmata (1998)

Standing at the bridge of destiny
So long since I tasted fear
Lurking in the darkest holes
Awaiting my minds weakest moment
Old words from an old world
Against the laws of nature
They say the truth is overrated
Wall of anger corrupts my thought

Standing at the bridge of destiny
Show me a sign
On the verge of losing my sanity
Free my soul

My inner demons torture me
Flapping their wings in my face
Damn you! You twisted illusion
I am no longer afraid
See through their liquid souls
Evil eyes that will hypnotize
You can no longer hurt me
I am my own worst enemy

Unleash the trapped souls of the dead
Spirits since long forgotten
Guardians fo the lost faith
Destined for glory?
Watch them all turn into sand
And the wind blow them away
Wisdom pours into my soul






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