Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 270 online
TV 01:50:55
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Arcade Fire - Neon Bible (2007) - Ocean Of Noise

Ocean Of Noise
Arcade Fire
Neon Bible (2007)

Ocean of noise
I first heard your voice
Ring like a bell
As if I had a choice, oh well

Left in the morning
While you were fast asleep
To an ocean of violence
A world of empty streets

You've got your reasons
And me, I've got mine
But all the reasons I gave
Were just lies
To buy yourself some time

An ocean of noise
I first heard your voice
Now who here among us
Still believes in choice?
Not I

No way of knowing
What any men will do
An ocean of violence
Between me and you

You've got your reasons
And me, I've got mine
But all the reasons I gave
Were just lies
To buy myself some time

And can we work it out?
It's time to work it out
Gonna work it out
It's time to work it out for you
We're gonna work it all out
It's time to work it out
We're gonna work it out
It's time to work it out
Time to work it all out






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