Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 299 online
TV 04:18:58
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Apex Theory, The - Topsy-Turvy (2002) - Right Foot

Right Foot
Apex Theory, The
Topsy-Turvy (2002)

Never did I find
A nest for my soul
We have made
All the bans we imposed
We have thrown
On ourselves
In memory's manner

The weakened will
Raise their heads
To mellow their
Somber faces
This day you will
Be in your camp
In the streets of
Your people
(too late)

You are at
The summit of
The honored

Decorate yourselves (x4)

Crazy man stands to task
No friends his story (x2)

All I ever
Wanted was too (x2)
All I ever
Wanted was too
See your face
And contemplate (x2)

Never did I find
A nest for my soul
We have made
All the bans we imposed
We have thrown
On ourselves
In memory's manner




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