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Anthrax - State Of Euphoria (1988) - Schism

State Of Euphoria (1988)

Don't look at me as a white man,
I'm just a man.
Don't look at me as a black man,
I'm just a man!
It takes a man to deal with ignorance,
Prove that you can.
Like having to climb a barbwire fence.

Can ya tell me how it feels to be hated?
Can ya tell me how it feels to be loved?
Can you show me what it means to be respected?
Or is the answer none of the above?

It's so easy to hate your brother,
It should be hard.
It's so easy to hate your friends,
Why ain't it hard?
Love and hate come in the deck together,
Play your card.
Love or hate can rule you life forever.

Hating, fighting, lying, and I can't take...
Bitching, screwing, crying, and I just hate...
Taking, cheating, spying, and I can't take...
Hating, fighting, dissing, fighting, fighting,
And I can't take no...

Schism, SK, SK, SK, SCHISM,
A house divided can't stand.

Prejudice is un-natural thought
When we were kids
It's not inherited, it's taught
When we were kids
If we were blind and had no choice
Differences hid
Would we hate each other by the tone of our voice?






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