Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 303 online
TV 05:20:08
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Anniversary, The - Design A Nervous Breakdown - All Things Ordinary

All Things Ordinary
Anniversary, The
Design A Nervous Breakdown

I've seen those eyes. I've watched them close at night.
And you breathe in and you breathe out again.
Sister's coming over and I'm afraid to tell her secrets that I know.
Painting without colors, it tends to make it better, it bleaches out the world.

Was it the end - the end that kept you up till the morning?
Was it the boy - the boy who stole your heart?
The summer goes on and then dies quick without much warning. All things ordinary.
Will you stay near my now? Don't leave this town until we've figured out,
Between the two of us, we're strong enough - I feel that in your touch.

Full from the dinner, but feeling somewhat thinner, aching in the chest.
Kids behind the windows, calling out the answers to questions never asked.

Was it the end - the end that kept you up till the morning?
Was it the boy - the boy who stole your heart?
The summer goes on and then dies quick without much warning. All things ordinary.
Will you stay near my now? Don't leave this town until we've figured out,
Between the two of us, we're strong enough - I feel that in your touch.

I've seen those eyes. I've watched them close at night.
And what queen comes in? Always goes out again.

Will you stay near my now? Don't leave this town until we've figured out,
Between the two of us, we're strong enough - I feel that in your touch.




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