Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 304 online
TV 02:28:08
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Animal Collective - Feels (2005) - Daffy Duck

Daffy Duck
Animal Collective
Feels (2005)

what i need is good advice
cooked on plates around me
rubber hands and silly friends
they sit on my world/wand

someone's soul a sweet sea snow / someone sow a sweet sea soup
i could swim in proudly
and we might swim like laughing ducks
in your pink love/glove alone

there we go changing again / here we come changing them
pink love again / here we come again

My hands can make your's warm again
if not absorb in blanket
are you in need of teething?
and they were on your neck

And if I had volcano boots
for swimming in the volcano
do you know the origins of laughing ducks?
oh what's the matter with those birds?

there you go changing again / here you come changing them
There you go again / here we come again

what you needs a happy farm
with happy goats and sheep
what I need's a happy arm
to swing ya' round like father






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