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Amy Winehouse - Back To Black (2006) - Just Friends

Just Friends
Amy Winehouse
Back To Black (2006)

When will we get the time to be just friends
It’s never safe for us not even in the evening
‘cos I’ve been drinking
Not in the morning where your shit works
It’s always dangerous when everybody’s sleeping
And I've been thinking
Can we be alone?
Can we be alone?

When will we get the time to be just friends
When will we get the time to be just friends

And no I'm not ashamed but the guilt will kill you
If she don’t first
I’ll never love you like her
Though we need to find the time
To just do this shit together
For it gets worse
I wanna touch you
But that just hurts

When will we get the time to be just just friends
When will we get the time to be just friends, just friends
When will we get the time to be just friends, just friends
When will we get the time to be just friends, just friends
Just friends






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