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Amy Macdonald - A Curious Thing (2010) - My Only One

My Only One
Amy Macdonald
A Curious Thing (2010)

After all the mistakes have been and gone
You're still standing here, standing strong
And I forgive all the wrongs that you have ever done
Cos you're still the only one

The apple of your mother's eye
Your life it passed your father by
I bet he wishes he was there too
So much grace and poise yeah you're always right on cue

And there were times
You know it's true
When the whole world
Was looking at you
They changed their mind from day to night
One minute you're wrong then the next thing you're
God rest your soul
Keep standing tall my only one

There's still a twinkle in your eye
Even after we say goodbye
You're always there in spirit and in mind
I'll be with you until the end of time

And there were times
You know it's true
When the whole world
Was looking at you
They changed their mind from day to night
One minute you're wrong then the next thing you're
God rest your soul
Keep standing tall
My only one






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