Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 303 online
TV 04:30:13
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Amorphis - Elegy (1996) - Elegy

Elegy (1996)

Long evenings full on longing
Low-spirited my mornings
Full of longing too my nights
And all times the bitterest.
'Tis my lovely I long for
It is my darling I miss
My black-browed one I grieve for.

There's no hearing my treasure
No seeing my marten-breat
No hearing her in the lane
Driving below the window
Chopping the wood by the stack
Clinking outside the cook-house:

In the eart my berry lies
In the soil she's mouldering
Under the sand my sweet one
Beneath the grass my treasure
The one I grieve for.






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Amorphis - Eclipserecenze
Amorphis - Elegyrecenze

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