Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 315 online
TV 05:48:30
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Amon Amarth - The Avenger (1999) - North Sea Storm

North Sea Storm
Amon Amarth
The Avenger (1999)

Above my heads mighty men battle
Flashing blades rip through the air
Cracking shields with rumbling thunder
Rolling over the waves
Blood pours like rain onto the sea
As it wind-whipped foams
Warlords in shining helmets
Send men screaming to their death
Clouds of black cover the sea
Day turns into night
Infinite darkness beckons me
No more sun, no more light
Ships tied stern to stern
A battle on the north sea waves
Hearts of braves brightly burn
Berserks swing their metal-blades
Battle hammers hit with force
Crushing helmet coveres heads
Dying men tumble over board
Foaming waves colored red
Memories invade my mind
As my harness brings me down
My bodie's getting cold and numb
As the ocean pulls me down
Above my head my brave friends battle
Their flashing blades rip through the air
Sending men screaming to join me
As I die in these cold north sea waves






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