Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 303 online
TV 02:15:45
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Amen - We Have Come For Your Parents (2000) - Take My Head

Take My Head
We Have Come For Your Parents (2000)

Take my head
Rip it open
Take the sickness, buried you too
Take my head, rip it open
Take the scissors sliced to kill
Did you wanna know how the human's been
Told the lies that you believe
Did you know the human need
Is bigger than they ever
Prayed for
Prayed now

You can take my
You can take my
You can take my fuckin head
And bury it in the backyard
Take my head
Take my head
Take my head
Rip it open
Take the stitches licensed to you
Take my head rip it open
Take the harness built for you
Dig you therapist a grave
Big enough for the both of you
Dig you therapist a grave
Big enough for the both of you
Get. For-Give. Now.
You can take mine
You can take mine
You can take mine
You can take my fuckin

Someone tell me how to live
Someone tell me how you live
Someone tell me how you live
Someone tell me how you live in here

Someone tell me how you live
Someone tell me how to live
Someone tell me how to live
How you live
How you live in here

You can take my...
You can take my...
You can take my...
you can take my fucking head




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