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Amaran - A World Depraved (2002) - Received a Kiss

Received a Kiss
A World Depraved (2002)

Are we a part of it, of it all
It just seems like we're losing hope

If there ever was limited pain, you would say you had it all
If there ever was limited time, you would never make it
But there's still time for both you and me
We're still alive you and me

Even if I could understand your decisions your demands
You would never let me save you

I received a kiss from my maker's lips
Inside frustrated, the sky was clear
I received a kiss from my maker's lips
Without the sorrow (I'll be free)

Are we a part of it, your real love
What comes first and what comes last, do we really care
It's the same old song, same sorrow we're losing
We ought to be calm and save ourselves




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