Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 291 online
TV 03:59:46
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Amanda Palmer - Who Killed Amanda Palmer (2008) - Leeds United

Leeds United
Amanda Palmer
Who Killed Amanda Palmer (2008)

we watch you
your expert double x's
it's just like you
to paint those whiter fences
it's so polite, it's so polite
it's offensive, it's offensive
it's so unright, it's so unright
it's a technical, accept it

Who needs love
when there's Law and Order?
Who needs love
when there's southern comfort?
Who needs love at all?

we stalk you
your expert, double Xs
we oxidized you in your sleep
there's no exit, there's no exit
you're on a roll, you're on a roll
no one gets it, no one gets it
you're unallowed, you're un - can't you protect us? protect us

Who needs love
when there's Law and Order?
Who needs love
when there's southern comfort?
who needs love when the sandwitches are wicked
and they know you at the mac store?

i'm so excited
the blackest bees oh
i'm getting frightened
someday, someday leeds united

Buh Buh Buh Buh

Bugzy My Lone, gonna carry you home
and they're taking you all to the doctor
verbally wise is all sugary and spice
and it's nice but its not what i'm after
sure i admire you, sure you inspire me
but you may not get a maxed out
where is the salesman counting my change
making bank on the up 'cos i lost my friend

we'll stop you
your expert double Xs
big stack hold for extra care, two Xs
that never talking thing you do
is effective, it's effective
your shoulder's icy cold & a death wish, yes a death wish

Who needs love
when there's Law and Order?
Who needs love
when there's Dukes of Hazard?
and who needs love when the sandwiches are wicked
and they know you at the mac store?

i'm so excited
the blacks and bees
i'm so excited
when i think about leeds united
i'm getting frightened
the blacks, the blacks, the blacks and bees
it's so exciting
someday someday
someday someday
someday someday leeds united






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