Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 292 online
TV 03:48:16
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Alvarez Perez - Thanatophobia (2003) - Incarnation

Alvarez Perez
Thanatophobia (2003)

Your mouth's a gun
gun at my head
crimson reflection - the dark orchids
moving on the wall
My mind so cold
when i'm flowing through you

Your hands are vultures
and vultures can feel it
they know where it hurts
they know who's in fear

[: In my last incarnation
I'm cutting through you
I'm cutting through me
I'm cursing you
I'm cursing me :]

Your eyes are thorns
and tongue's like lava
my mind so cold
when I'm flowing through you

cursing your flesh
cutting your soul


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průměrná známka: 2/5

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