Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 282 online
TV 06:06:15
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Alkaline Trio, The - Goddamnit! (1998) - Clavicle

Alkaline Trio, The
Goddamnit! (1998)

Been on top of the world since about six months ago
Marking the first time I laid eyes on you
I lost all train of thought as I entered the room
Saw what looked like really good food then I saw you
And so did you

I want to wake up naked next to you
Kissing the curve in your clavicle
Kissing your clavicle

Been on top of the world since about 1 week ago
Marking a time when I was drunk enough to talk to you
I lost all train of thought as your eyes met mine
Told you I thought you were gorgeous
You gave me your phone number, I gave you mine
Before you left I said that you can bet
I'll be bothering you soon
You said "No bother, please do"

I've called you twice
It's been a hellish fight
To not think about you all the time
Sitting around waiting for your call

I want to wake up naked next to you
Kissing the curve in your clavicle
Kissing your clavicle

I want to wake up naked next to you
Kissing the curve in your clavicle






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