Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 293 online
TV 05:51:00
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Alice in Chains - Facelift (1990) - Confusion

Alice in Chains
Facelift (1990)

There's no time to give at all
I cause you grief and blow my hatred
Further in your mind
You reach, I run, you fall
On skinned knees you crawl

I want to set you free, recognize my disease
Love, sex, pain, confusion, suffering
You're there crying, I feel not a thing
Drilling my way deeper in your head
Sinking, draining, drowning, bleeding, dead

So you sit and think of love
I wait, hate all the more, I fall
On skinned knees I crawl

I want to set you free, recognize my disease
Love, sex, pain, confusion, suffering
You're there crying, I feel not a thing
Drilling my way deeper in your head
Sinking, draining, drowning, bleeding, dead

Now there's time to give it all
I put my fears behind again
On skinned knees we'll crawl

I want to set you free, recognize my disease
Love, sex, pain, confusion, suffering
You're there crying, I feel not a thing
Drilling my way deeper in your head
Sinking, draining, drowning, bleeding, dead
Love, sex, pain, confusion, suffering






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