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Alice Cooper - Zipper Catches Skin (1982) - Zorro's Ascent

Zorro's Ascent
Alice Cooper
Zipper Catches Skin (1982)

Zorro lies dying
In the Spanish sun
All the women crying,
Especially the pretty ones
He drew his sword...
They came with guns

Stealing is stealing,
I've done lots of that
Now reach into my pocket, padre
Hide this gold pouch in your hat
And let the skinny peons
Feed upon the fat
It was liberated
From some aristocrat, eh?

So pray for him father,
You need not bother
'Cause I am the fox
And I go where I want
If heaven ignores me
The devil adores me
Yes, I am the fox
And I go where I want

Padre, don't it seem
Hundred years ago
Before I donned the mask
I'm Don Diego
Now there's only minutes left
For the cunning El Zorro
Go fetch my sword...my horse
I'll ride out death Diablo

So pray for him father,
You need not bother
'Cause I am the fox
And I go where I want
If heaven ignores me
The devil adores me
I am the fox
And I go where I want

Death you're running closer
And I can't keep this pace
Sir, I'm disadvantaged
And should I lose this race
Hand to me your deadliest wine
I'll give you back a taste
Before you burn your mark on me
I'll carve mine in your face

So pray for him, father
You need not bother
'Cause I am the fox
And I go where I want
When Satan annoys me
Then heaven employs me
'Cause I am the fox
And I go where I want to go
El Zorro




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