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TV 05:49:28
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Alice Cooper - School's Out (1972) - Luney Tune

Luney Tune
Alice Cooper
School's Out (1972)

I slipped into my jeans
Lookin hard and feelin mean
I took a spit at the moon
It's all in this luney tune

Just a little insane
A couple shots, I can't feel no pain
Hey, where have I been?
And who are these scary men?

Is this all real?
Is this all necessary?
Or it this a joke?

Many know
I don't regret at all
They locked me up for good
Pinned me against the wall

I can't find the exit
I quit lookin for doors
I stole a razor from the commissary
I just couldn't take it no more

I'm swimmin in blood
Like a rat on a sewer floor
No longer insane
Just part of this crazy dream




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