Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 297 online
TV 03:46:44
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Alice Cooper - Prince Of Darkness (1989) - Thrill My Gorilla

Thrill My Gorilla
Alice Cooper
Prince Of Darkness (1989)

Sukie honey, we're gonna turn back the clock
To a time when we danced to volcanic rock
We loved to hunt and kill
That's how we used to be
We drank the blood we spilled
And growled at our enemies

Where were you when the monkey hit the fan
Thrill my gorilla
Where were you when monkey turned to man
Thrill my gorilla

Sukie honey, weren't you right there with me
I seem to remember chasing you from tree to tree
Those prehistoric nights are coming back to me
We must have been the first
To go down in history

Where were you when the monkey hit the fan
Thrill my gorilla
Where were you when monkey turned to man
Thrill my gorilla

We lay on our skins, original sins
Ah, ah, ah, ah yeah
We touch, we feel
We scream, we squeal
Thrill my gorilla
Thrill my gorilla

Where were you when the monkey hit the fan
Thrill my gorilla
Where were you when monkey turned to man
Thrill my gorilla






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