Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 315 online
TV 05:48:29
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Aiden - Conviction (2007) - Hurt Me

Hurt Me
Conviction (2007)

The beauty how nights blur, look twice tonight
and she'll bring the cure and this promise to forgive you
My demons reimburse, think hard and tonight
we'll break the curse and this promise to forget you

Tonight oh tonight oh tonight
I can see through a lifetime of wretched demise
And these words can hurt me

We're all in hell
Laughing at your misery
The desperate fade to black and it suits me well

The lonely the desperate enclosed
is the love I've never sent and this power to forget you

If we fall will we waste away?
If we fall will we waste away?
If we fall will we waste away?
If we fall will we waste away?

I know you hurt in this beautiful misery
So read these words and we'll sing forever waste away

Free fall will we waste away?
If we fall will we waste away?
Free fall If will waste away?
If we fall will we waste away?

We're all in hell
Laughing at your misery
The desperate fade to black and it suits me well






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