Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 297 online
TV 04:09:05
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Agathocles - Razor Sharp Daggers (1995) - Deserves To Die

Deserves To Die
Razor Sharp Daggers (1995)

A new age of punk has just begun,
with new punk-idols being born,
you play their records fucking loud,
and say fuck off and think that's punk,
Punk it deserves to die,
'cause all creativity has been denied,
Punk it deserves to die
'cause the businness-men have filled it with lies,
Going to a shop to buy yourself some core,
rebellious tunes to make you hip and cool,
but what are you gonna do, when it's not hype anymore ?
buy yourself a new outfit, for dressing-balls to come ?
Punk it deserves to die,
'cause all creativity has been denied,
Punk it deserves to die
'cause the businness-men have filled it with lies,


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