Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 304 online
TV 01:43:28
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AFI - Sing The Sorrow (2003) - Paper Airplanes (makeshift wings)

Paper Airplanes (makeshift wings)
Sing The Sorrow (2003)

Raise high monolithic statues so fragile.
As they fall, I am ever enthralled.
Gaze, lie and smirk in time.
Your arrogance will suit you well
�til fashion is dispelled.
As waves of plastic fame go out of fashion,
you�re going out forever unknown.
These waves of plastic fame are drying up
and I smile because you�re dying to become forever unknown.
From above a rain of ashes descends.
I will remain forever will remain.
From below, in my seclusion,
look up to the sky to see paper wings
and watch them burn.
Without habitation.
You�ll never find a soul inside,
no life,
but nothing�s died.
No lights, but quite the show
(just as long as no one ever knows
all motion is pantomime.)
Dancing in the rain of descending ash,
dancing on your grave,
I�ll see you all falling.
Dancing in the rain of descending ash,
dancing in your dust.
I�ll see you all falling.
I�d stop it, had you a heart.






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