Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 304 online
TV 06:20:57
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AFI - Decemberunderground (2006) - Summer Shudder

Summer Shudder
Decemberunderground (2006)

Listen when i say,
When i say it's real.
Real life goes undefined,
Why must you be so miserable?

Heaven do you take,
Makes it more unreal.
Real lines are undefined.
How can this be so miserable?

Under the summer rain, i burned away.
Under the summer rain, Burn!
You turned away.

Listen i can't wake.
Make a sound to feel.
Feel fine i kissed the lies,
Why must they be so distant, oh.
Listen, this outbreak.
Break the final seal.
Will this eye shine suicide?
When will we be invisible?

Under the summer rain, i burned away.
Under the summer rain, Burn!
We find a way.

Under the summer rain, i burned away.
Under the summer rain, Burn!
You turned away.

This is the fall,
This is the love, went down.
And our lies look smaller now,
And our lies look small.
Willingly crying.

This is the fall,
This is the love, went down.
And our lies look smaller now,
And our lies look small.

Under the summer rain.
I burned away.
Under the summer rain, Burn!
We find away.

Under the summer rain, i burned away.
Under the summer rain, Burn!
We find a way.

Under the summer rain, i burned away.
Under the summer rain, Burn!
You turned away..






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