Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 297 online
TV 04:09:02
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Aerosmith - Rocks (1993) - Sick As A Dog

Sick As A Dog
Rocks (1993)

Please I just got to talk to you
Please a get'cha your head out of the loo
Please and we're a long long way from home
Please you'd turn a young man's face to stone

Sick as a dog what's your story
Sick as a dog a cat got your tongue
Sick as a dog you'll be sorry
Sick as a dog you're really ain't that young

Please you were much to my surprise
Please you're the lady in disguise
Please you're the only a friend I got
Please you'll be the last to see me rot

Sick as a dog what's your story
Sick as a dog uum... cat got your tongue
Sick as a dog you'll be sorry
Sick as a dog 'cause ya really ain't that young

Please it's a shame you're so refined
Please you was the last thing on my mind
Please don't be late to take it light
Please you're gonna bay into the night

Sick as a dog what's your story
Sick as a dog uum... cat got your tongue
Sick as a dog you'll be sorry
Sick as a dog 'cause you really ain't so young....

Take it light
Take it light
Take it light
Take it light
Say goodnight
Take it light






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