Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 271 online
TV 06:07:15
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Adultery - Age of Rebiths (2006) - Miracle

Age of Rebiths (2006)

The place I strolled in my dreams,
I yearn for walking again.
I am seeking for the path of destiny,
the path leading out of stars.

The field of the last fights,
the little paths of the golden fairy forest,
full of glittering silver mists.
I am looking for, looking for it.

The paths shaded, overgrown for ages
yield to my power.
Everything is silent now
- I enter the dale which I saw in my dreams

The golden eyes glare breaks into my heart.
The golden eyes glare disturbs my dreams.
The golden eyes glare is the mightest spell.
The golden eyes glare belongs to my dream fay.


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