Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 303 online
TV 02:15:33
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Ador Dorath - Ador Nin Edeleth Ador Dorath (2002) - Hail to Majesty

Hail to Majesty
Ador Dorath
Ador Nin Edeleth Ador Dorath (2002)

Speak to us in a great movement of the sea
Give us power
Speak to us in a murmur
Give us your wisdom
High majesty who is mirrored in the depths
Deep majesty who rises to the heights
Lead us to immortality

Oh constancy and motion
Day swathed in Night
Darkness veiled in Light

Your breath gives and takes back form of everything
You who fill the lives of the majestic
And awake the shadown of the night
You who fly on the wings of winds
Neverending motion in eternal constancy

Oh you elevated in a changing empire of shadows
Reflections and pictures
Let a shadow become a body Let spirit become soul
Let dream become thought




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