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TV 02:11:54
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Accept - Russian Roulette (1986) - Another Second To Be

Another Second To Be
Russian Roulette (1986)

I hold a magazine in my hand
Facing the cover - it's me
They write about my coming end
No more than twelve months for me

Tainted and fainted and lonely I picture my life
Blameless and shameless I'm leaving in awful disgrace

Another second to be
Not another second to be

All the things I just have done
Passing my mind hundred times
All the tears I have cried, all the lies I have lied
All in hope for a better life

Tainted and fainted and lonely I picture my life
Blameless and shameless I'm leaving in awful disgrace

Another second to be
Not another second to be

Not another second to be
Lonely I picture my life - no second to be
Time's running out and there's just no second to be
I'm leaving in awful disgrace - no second to be
There's not another second to be




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