Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 302 online
TV 02:09:06
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AC/DC - Who Made Who (1986) - Ride On

Ride On
Who Made Who (1986)

it's another lonely evenin'
in another lonely town
but I ain't to young to worry
and I ain't to old to cry
when a woman gets me down

got another empty bottle
and another empty bed
ain't to young to admit it
and I'm not too old to lie
I'm just another empty head

that's why I'm lonely, I'm so lonely
but I know what I'm gonna do
I'm gonna ride on, ride on
standing on the edge of the road
thumb in the air
one of these days I'm gonna, change my evil ways
'til then I'll just keep
riding on

broke another promise
and I broke another heart
but I ain't to young to realise
that I ain't to old to try
try to get back to the start
and it's another red-light nightmare
on another red-light street
and I ain't too old to hurry
cause I ain't too old to die
but I sure am hard to beat

but I'm lonely, lord I'm lonely
what I'm gonna do
(ride on, ride on) got myself a one-way ticket
(ride on, ride on) going the wrong way
gonna change my evil ways, one of these days
one of these days

ride on, ride on, ride on, gonna ride on
I'm gonna ride on
lookin' for a truck
keep on ridin'
ridin' on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
(ride on, ride on) gonna have myself a good time
(ride on, ride on) yeah, yeah ,yeah
one of these days, one of these days






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