Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 298 online
TV 02:30:20
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Abigail - Ultimate Unholy Death (2005) - I Am Holocaust

I Am Holocaust
Ultimate Unholy Death (2005)

Your life will pass my hand
We will fight to the end
I'm gonna make you bleed
You will burn in hell

I like brutality violence and kill
Bullet in the head this is a bloody war
You are born to be exhibits
The best you can get between heaven and hell

I am holocaust
A life of intercourse and lust
Sex becomes second nature to me
No tenderness with my heart

I like brutality violence and kill
Bullet in the head this is a bloody war
You are born to be exhibits
The best you can get between heaven and hell

Calm before the storm
It boils pulsing blood
The climax I'm shooting my gun
Straight to the gate of hell






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