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A New Found Glory - New Found Glory (2002) - Second To Last

Second To Last
A New Found Glory
New Found Glory (2002)

I hate myself for losing you
I blame myself for pulling you apart
I guess this is the only way
I hate these eyes that noticed you
I blame my heart for breaking up that day
It didn't mean much anyway

It's you, you I figured out
It always helps to forget how to be yourself
It's you, you realize that you're understanding this
Understanding that you're all alone

Is the first day of your life
The first day that you're on your own
Now you know what to call home

I know I'm right for leaving you
Now there's nothing left for me to say
It never meant much anyway

It's you, you I figured out
It always helps to forget how to be yourself
It's you, you realize that you're understanding this
Understanding that you're all alone

Is the first day of your life
The first day that you're on your own
Now you know what to call home

This could be
The second to last time
You're way too close to dive




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