Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 299 online
TV 02:15:14
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A-Ha - Scoundrel Days (1986) - The Weight Of The Wind

The Weight Of The Wind
Scoundrel Days (1986)

Your face looked new against the town
You've come to lose some memories
Like you came to touch new grounds

But you want to lose
The weight of the wind
Rests hard on your shoulders
It's bringing you down
The one that you love
Will never be found

You speak into the falling rain
Words you'd lost, but found again
I see their snakey arms entwined
So clear and cruel
In your jealous mind

But you've got to lose
The weight of the wind
Hard on your shoulders
Getting you down
The one that you love
Will never be found




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