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TV 03:23:45
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A-Ha - Hunting High And Low (1985) - Here I Stand And Face The Rain

Here I Stand And Face The Rain
Hunting High And Low (1985)

Help me
I need your love
Don't walk away
The dark scares me so
We're nothing apart
Let's stay friends forever
Here i stand and face the rain
I know that nothing's gonna be the same again
I fear for what tomorrow brings
Trust me
For whom i am
Place all your faith
Into these hands
I got nothing to say
But let's stay friends forever
Here i stand and face the rain
I know that nothing's gonna be the same again
I fear for what tomorrow brings
Here i stand and face the rain
I know that nothing's gonna be the same again
I fear for what tomorrow brings
Here i stand and face the rain
Knowing nothing's gonna be the same
Here i stand and face the rain
Knowing nothing's gonna be the same




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